Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Jn-Harlequin now has a main page for my small, but growing portfolio.

I spent over 10 hours setting up this page. Normally I am a lot faster at producing web work, but I seemed to have gotten the web version of writers block. Regardless, I now have an up to date website with content.

Goals: I am looking at making constant changes to the website to allow a comfortable feeling for visitors and also follow the recent trend of websites. Many pages rely on large image backgrounds for the scenery and then adding the content on top. Below are some links of some interesting styles of what I find to be creative and fit this area:

liam-galvin - This is a Wordpress layout which seems to be the new style for websites. A lot of new designers/developers are using CMS (Content Management Systems) for websites for easier management of their code and files. Wordpress happens to be a CMS with blogging on the side, so the fad for this is huge.

nouincolor - Great example of a background with text/image design. It also incorporates jQuery which is an open source add on to JavaScript. The interesting thing about jQuery is that Apple products such as the iPhone/iTouch and iPad can run jQuery, but not flash, so the use of jQuery is increasing.

Problems: The contact form will require a security code shortly as I am getting email spam from spam bots. Multiple forums I used to host on my server had bot spam issues, but it's easy to block them from posting using the admin control panel. Fixing the php form may take some time as I am still new at php scripts.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

3D Illusion

This project gives the illusion of 3D using 2D images. I collected assets from the game Minecraft and created a 10 second video. This is the first motion graphics project that I felt happy with as it allowed us to be creative.


Print Magazine Exercise

Here is an exercise which was given to teach to set up margins for magazine pages. I collected online reviews for the online games Minecraft and Rift. Here are the finished pages.


Blue Screen: Ninja's

Another motion graphic project where I used keying to remove a blue screen around 2 ninja's having a sword fight. I added a background and kept it simple.


Harlequin Design Brochure

A small project to create a 2 sided brochure to showcase and represent ourselves and the work that we have created. Everything shown on the brochure had to be work created by only the student. As well, my brochure was only 1 sided as I had enough content to fill the front portion. This brochure also folded into a single square on a 4x4 grid.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Solo Editing

Here is an edit from the online mmo Darkfall. I spent in total 3 hours editing the photo and applying effects. Currently this is version 1.1.

Sphinx Ish is the characters name.

A neat little feature I found was using Adobe Fireworks with it's saving PNG files with 32 colour vs Adobe Photoshops offered 24 colour.


The Finished Edit

Original Captured Screen Shot

Blue/Green Screen

An in class lab using Adobe After Effects introduced blue/green screen footage. The editing of the footage was interesting as it was mainly just changing the saturation and colours to match the choice of background.
